The Milf Diet
About this project
Jessica Porter is a nutritionist and macro-biotic chef based in LA. She is the author of The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics and she also co-wrote The Kind Diet with Alicia Silverstone. She is one of my February Media clients, and I helped promote her book The Milf Diet. Despite the controversial title, Jessica's book stirred up interesting dialogue around the topics of womanhood and femininity. She received several mentions in the press, including Access Hollywood, Jezebel, and LA Weekly.
What they're saying:
"So, is Porter onto something? Are there enough women who embrace MILF as a sassy, lighthearted compliment, and more importantly, an innocuous one, one that merely makes an older gal feel like a hottie once more?"
“This book has stirred up a vigorous conversation and YES – I want nothing more than to feel attractive, powerful and healthy as I age.”